Buy Fine Cigars Delivered Nationwide in India – Fast & Secure
Experience India’s top cigar collection, expertly crafted with passion and precision for true connoisseurs.
Explore our selection today and enjoy premium cigars delivered to your door.
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Best Cigar Sellers in India
Endulge in India’s favorite cigar brands, where each selection is crafted to satisfy a range of tastes. Whether you prefer bold intensity or a softer finish, these premium picks bring a world of flavor to every aficionado.
Why Shop at Online-Cigars for the Best Cigars in India
- Extensive range of premium cigars available for Indian customers.
- Handpicked by seasoned cigar connoisseurs for exceptional quality.
- Ensured cigar freshness through advanced humidor technology.
- Fully compliant with all Indian tobacco laws and regulations.
- Fast and discreet nationwide shipping, straight to your door.
Our Cigar Aficionados Speak
Perfect Cigars and Service
I am extremely happy with my recent purchase. The cigars were of exceptional quality, and the service was prompt and friendly. This company really values its customers!
Impressive Quality and Fast Shipping
This is my go-to store for cigars. The quality is consistently high, and the shipping speed is excellent. I couldn’t be more satisfied with the service.
Highly Recommend!
The cigars arrived in perfect condition, and the quality exceeded my expectations. Great customer service and a smooth experience overall. Highly recommend this store!
Prime Places to Relish a Fine Cigar in India
India’s cigar lounges offer a refined atmosphere for enthusiasts to unwind and savor premium selections. Here’s a look at some of the country’s finest cigar destinations:
- The Cigar Lounge, Mumbai: Situated in the heart of Mumbai, it offers a curated range of premium cigars in a chic, intimate space, catering to those who enjoy a quiet yet stylish escape from city life.
- The Club Bar and Cigar Lounge, New Delhi: This exclusive lounge offers an elegant ambiance with an array of cigars to match. It’s a favored spot for aficionados seeking both variety and a refined experience in the capital.
- The Taj Mahal Palace, Mumbai – Harbour Bar: This historic hotel’s Harbour Bar includes a luxurious cigar section, allowing guests to enjoy their selection in an iconic and refined setting right by the bay.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the age restrictions for purchasing cigars online in India?
You must be 18 years or older to legally purchase cigars online in India, as per the legal tobacco consumption age.
What are the shipping costs and delivery times for online cigar orders in India?
Shipping costs typically range from ₹200 to ₹700, depending on the delivery location. Standard delivery takes 3-7 business days, while express options can take 1-3 days.
What payment methods are commonly accepted for online cigar purchases in India?
Most online cigar retailers in India accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, UPI payments, and sometimes PayPal.
Are cigars subject to additional taxes when purchased online in India?
Yes, cigars are subject to GST (Goods and Services Tax) at a rate of 28%, which will be added to the purchase price during checkout.
Can I track my online cigar order in India?
Yes, Online Cigars provides tracking information after your order has shipped, allowing you to monitor its progress until delivery.