Posted: December 16, 2024Categories: History
National Cigar Day is a day dedicated to the appreciation of the cigar craft, celebrated annually on March 18th. This special day honors the tradition, craftsmanship, and culture of cigars, providing cigar lovers with the perfect excuse to enjoy their favorite smoke while reflecting on the history of cigars and their importance in social gatherings.
Posted: November 11, 2024Categories: History
Cigars, once a symbol of wealth and luxury, have undergone significant transformations since their inception in ancient civilizations. This exploration reveals how cigars have evolved in terms of production, consumption, culture, and regulation, providing a comprehensive perspective on their journey through history.
Posted: November 11, 2024Categories: History
Cigars have a rich history that intertwines with culture, commerce, and craftsmanship. Throughout the years, certain individuals have significantly impacted the cigar industry, each leaving a unique mark that resonates today. Here, we delve into the lives and legacies of the most influential figures in cigar history.