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  1. Different Types of Cigar Ash and What they Mean

    Different Types of Cigar Ash and What they Mean

    Smoking cigars can create some unusual ash shapes, but did you know there is a reason for these? It could be due to any stage of the cigars life; when it was rolled, where it was stored, and how it was smoked. Cigars are a handmade, natural product, and can be a bit temperamental at times. So what causes the ash on your cigar, what does it mean, and how can you prevent it?

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  2. Why Won’t My Cigar Draw? Is it Plugged?

    PerfecDraw Tool for Plugged Cigars

    You might have heard of a plugged cigar, or come across a cigar that won't draw. If you are struggling to smoke your cigar, and it seems like it is blocked and there is no airflow going through it (and yes, you have cut it first!), here’s what to do.

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