Their history in the cigar world makes them a popular choice even to this day. All sizes contain a blend of filler and binder tobacco from the Vuelta Abajo zone and are made by the Tripa Larga, Totalmente a Mano – long filler, totally handmade – technique.
For decades El Rey Del Mundo cigars have been an all-time favourite brand amongst many cigar aficionados. With an outstanding record for creating exceptional cigars, the brand is known for creating consistently superb Cuban cigars. The brand presents itself with an extensive portfolio of sizes, shapes, blends, strengths, and wrapper varieties.
Today they still produce superb mild cigars that are ideal for all levels of cigar smoker, noticeable by their distinct dark and oily wrappers. El Rey Del Mundo cigars are suitable for less experienced smokers who are new to cigars, or for those looking for milder flavours than the typically spicy Cuban cigars the country has become known for.
El Rey Del Mundo cigars are a perfect choice of Cuban cigar for any time of the day or night whether you are an experienced smoker or new to the game.