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Buy Davidoff Cigars - Davidoff Cigars for Sale Online

Davidoff is a name that resonates with luxury and refinement in the cigar world. More than just the best smoking products, Davidoff cigars represent a blend of tradition, craftsmanship, and a pursuit of perfection.

You can buy Davidoff cigars online on our website. Find a range of distinguished flavors and blends of Davidoff for sale at!

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  1. Davidoff Aniversario Entreacto
    Box of 20
    Special Price £143 Regular Price £199
  2. Davidoff Aniversario No. 1 Limited Edition 2023
    Box of 10
    Special Price £398 Regular Price £499
  3. Davidoff Aniversario Special R
    Box of 25
    Special Price £325 Regular Price £479
  4. Davidoff Escurio Gran Toro
    Box of 12
    Special Price £209 Regular Price £269
  5. Davidoff Figurado Selection Sampler
    Box of 6
    Special Price £75 Regular Price £149
    Out of stock
  6. Davidoff Grand Cru Diademas Finas Limited Edition 2024
    Box of 10
    Special Price £303 Regular Price £339
  7. Davidoff Grand Cru No. 5
    Box of 25
    Special Price £207 Regular Price £299
  8. Davidoff Millennium Robusto
    Box of 25
    Special Price £349 Regular Price £549
  9. Davidoff Nicaragua Box Pressed Toro
    Box of 12
    Special Price £145 Regular Price £225
  10. Davidoff Nicaragua Short Corona
    Box of 14
    Special Price £103 Regular Price £155
  11. Davidoff Royal R Robusto
    Box of 10
    Special Price £527 Regular Price £625
  12. Davidoff Royal R Salomones
    Box of 10
    Special Price £599 Regular Price £799
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Is Davidoff a Dominican cigar?

While Davidoff originated in Cuba, its cigars today are primarily Dominican. After the relocation to the Dominican Republic in the early 1990s, the brand has been producing its main lines in this region, known for its high-quality tobacco and skilled cigar craftsmanship.

Who distributes Davidoff cigars?

These cigars are distributed globally by the Oettinger Davidoff AG, based in Basel, Switzerland. The company oversees the distribution to authorized retailers worldwide, ensuring consistent quality and authenticity across all outlets.

Are Davidoff cigars high quality?

In short, yes. These cigars are celebrated for their exceptional craftsmanship, fine tobacco blends, and consistent quality, making them a favorite among cigar enthusiasts worldwide.

What is the average Davidoff cigars price?

The Davidoff cigars price typically ranges from £19.99 to £30.99 per cigar, depending on the specific line and size. Special editions and premium blends, such as the Davidoff Signature Series, may be priced higher, reflecting their exceptional quality.

What is Davidoff number 1 cigar?

Davidoff No. 1 is part of their Signature line. The cigar is an exquisite and renowned cigar offered by Davidoff, a world-renowned luxury cigar brand. You can find it among websites that offer Davidoff cigars online in the USA and worldwide, including

Can I find Davidoff cigars for sale online?

Yes, Davidoff cigars are available for sale online through authorized retailers, including Browse a wide range of Davidoff blends and enjoy convenient delivery options. Don’t miss out on great deals when purchasing Davidoff cigars online.

What is the most expensive Davidoff cigar?

The most expensive Davidoff cigar is always one of their limited edition or special release lines. For instance, the Davidoff "Oro Blanco," made from rare tobaccos aged over 12 years, is one of their priciest offerings, with individual cigars often selling for over $500.

Is Davidoff worth the price?

Whether Davidoff cigars are worth the price is subjective and depends on individual preferences. Connoisseur who appreciate the brand's commitment to quality, luxury, and nuanced flavors often regard Davidoff cigars as a worthwhile investment. 

The brand's reputation for excellence and a wide range of blends cater to diverse tastes, justifying the price for many enthusiasts.

How many cigars come in a box of Davidoff?

Typically, boxes can contain anywhere from 10 to 25 cigars. But, keep in mind that the number of cigars in a box of Davidoff varies depending on the specific line and size of the cigars. Some special editions and releases may have different quantities.

How do I know if I'm getting a genuine Davidoff cigar?

Genuine Davidoff is sold through authorized distributors and retailers, ensuring their authenticity. If you are buying a Davidoff cigar, always choose trusted sources like to guarantee quality and authenticity.

Are there any discounts on Davidoff cigars?

Occasionally, special promotions or bulk orders may offer discounts on Davidoff. Visit to check for current offers and exclusive deals. Keep an eye out for limited-time discounts on popular Davidoff releases.