A box of AJ Fernandez Cigars

AJ Fernandez is a name that resonates deeply within the cigar community, representing a legacy of meticulous craftsmanship and unparalleled quality. The brand has carved a niche for itself, crafting some of the most acclaimed and sought-after cigars in the world today

This popularity has also made it a target for forgers, making an authenticity check crucial for aficionados seeking the genuine AJ Fernandez experience. 

This guide is designed to teach you how to spot fake AJ Fernandez cigars effortlessly, making sure that your collection remains pristine and true.

How to Identify Genuine AJ Fernandez Cigars - KEY Criteria

These steps will help you notice if your cigar is authentic or counterfeit. 


Authentic AJ Fernandez

Counterfeit AJ Fernandez

Signature Blend Aroma

Distinct, with notes of spice and wood

Lacking complexity or off-notes

Triple Cap Design

Perfectly executed

Poorly applied or missing

Cigar Band Texture and Color

High-quality embossing, vibrant colors

Dull colors, flat textures

Box Seal and Artwork

Precise, with authentic Cuban seal

Smudged artwork, missing seal

Cold Draw Resistance

Optimal, with slight resistance

Too loose or overly tight

Wrapper Vein Pattern

Fine, well-distributed veins

Prominent, irregular veins

Tobacco Leaf Consistency

Evenly colored, seamless leaves

Discolored patches, veins

Ash Cohesion

Firm ash that holds shape

Crumbly, falls apart easily

Smoke Density

Rich, voluminous smoke

Thin, sparse smoke

QR Code Authentication

Scannable, links to verification

Absent or non-functional

Price RangeOften 

$8 to $20 per cigar (varies by series)

under $5 per cigar

Signature Blend Aroma

The aroma of an authentic AJ Fernandez cigar immediately stands out for its complexity, with inviting notes of spice and wood that hint at the cigar's rich, signature blend. This pre-light aroma is a sensory promise of the quality smoking experience to come.

Counterfeit versions often fall short in replicating this aromatic complexity, offering either a flat aroma or presenting off-notes, signaling a lack of authenticity.

Triple Cap Design

A meticulously executed triple cap is a testament to the skilled craftsmanship, reflecting a traditional approach to cigar making that ensures both aesthetic appeal and functional quality in sealing the cigar's head.

In contrast, fake cigars frequently exhibit caps that are either poorly applied or lack the distinct triple-layer construction.

Cigar Band Texture and Color

Genuine cigars are adorned with bands that feature vibrant colors and high-quality embossing. The texture and color of the band contribute to the overall presentation and experience of enjoying a premium cigar.

On the other hand, the bands on non-original cigars typically show dull colors and lack the textured embossing of authentic products.

Box Seal and Artwork

The seal and artwork on boxes of genuine cigars include clear, correct holograms and sharp imagery that represents the brand's heritage. These elements are crucial for verifying the cigars' authenticity.

Counterfeit boxes may have smudged artwork and lack the detailed holograms or seals that are characteristic of authentic packaging, often making it easier to identify them as fake.

Cold Draw Resistance

Optimal cold draw resistance in a genuine cigar offers slight resistance, indicative of expert construction and proper airflow, ensuring a balanced smoking experience from start to finish.

Cigars that are either too loose or too tight during the cold draw are likely counterfeits, as they fail to meet the precise construction standards set by AJ Fernandez, affecting the overall smoking quality.

Wrapper Vein Pattern

Authentic cigars showcase wrappers with fine, well-distributed veins, a hallmark of the premium leaves selected for their construction. 

Prominent, irregular veins are common in forged cigars, indicating the use of lower-quality leaves and a lack of care in the selection process.

Tobacco Leaf Consistency

Evenly colored and seamless tobacco leaves are used in original cigars, ensuring a uniform appearance and consistent flavor. 

Counterfeits often reveal tobacco leaves with discolored patches and visible veins, suggesting poor quality control and the use of inferior tobacco, which directly impacts the cigar's flavor and burn.

Ash Cohesion

The ash of a genuine cigar holds its shape well, maintaining firmness and a light gray color as it burns, indicative of the quality of tobacco and the cigar's construction.

Crumbly ash that falls apart easily or has a dark gray to black color is a clear indicator of a fake cigar, reflecting poor tobacco quality and construction inconsistencies.

Smoke Density

Rich, voluminous smoke is a signature feature of real cigars, offering depth and satisfaction with each puff. The density of the smoke is a direct result of the premium tobacco blend and expert rolling techniques used.

Thin, sparse smoke from a cigar signals a lack of quality and authenticity, as it fails to replicate the full-bodied experience characteristic of AJ Fernandez cigars.

QR Code Authentication

A scannable QR code that links to official verification resources is included on genuine boxes, providing an additional layer of security and peace of mind for aficionados.

The absence of a QR code or the presence of a non-functional code on a cigar box is a telltale sign of a product that’s not the original, lacking the verification measures to protect the brand and consumers.

Price Range

Genuine cigars are typically priced within a range that reflects their premium quality, from approximately $8 to $20 per cigar. This range can vary depending on the specific series or limited editions. 

Counterfeit cigars are often sold at suspiciously low prices, frequently under $5 per cigar. This discrepancy is usually indicative of compromised quality and authenticity.

Final Test of the AJ Fernandez Verification Checklist

The AJ Fernandez Cigar Verification Test is an indispensable measure, particularly designed to ensure the authenticity of cigars amidst the growing concern over counterfeits in the market. 

This meticulous test scrutinizes the inner makeup of the cigar, a crucial step mirroring the care and precision synonymous with AJ Fernandez's legacy.

Genuine cigars are renowned for incorporating primarily long, whole tobacco leaves. This "tripa larga" construction is a testament to the brand's high-quality standards and traditional cigar-making craftsmanship.

The predominance of long leaves within the cigar indicates adherence to traditional rolling techniques and the use of premium tobacco, ensuring a consistent and enjoyable smoking journey.

Authentic AJ Fernandez cigars should be free from any non-tobacco materials. The presence of foreign contaminants, such as hair, dust, or synthetic fillers, is a clear indicator of a counterfeit product.

The market has seen a surge in counterfeit cigars featuring packaging that closely mimics genuine products. Key indicators of authenticity include:

  • Loose Bundles Versus Original Boxes
  • Deviation from Original Designs

Through this test, aficionados can confidently authenticate their cigars, ensuring each puff reflects the brand's storied legacy and dedication to the art of cigar making.

History of AJ Fernandez

The story of the brand is deeply intertwined with a legacy of tobacco mastery that dates back generations. Born into a family with a rich history in tobacco cultivation and cigar production, AJ Fernandez was destined to leave his mark in the world of premium cigars. 

Under the tutelage of legendary Cuban cigar makers, he honed his skills and developed a profound understanding of the art and science of tobacco cultivation and cigar manufacturing. This foundation set the stage for the establishment of his own company, which quickly became synonymous with quality, innovation, and tradition. 

Today, these cigars stand as a testament to a relentless quest for excellence, with each blend paying homage to the heritage of Cuban cigar making. They push the boundaries through innovative techniques and a meticulous selection of tobaccos from the most fertile regions of Nicaragua. 

At Online Cigars, we recognize the artistry behind AJ Fernandez cigars and are committed to ensuring that our customers experience this legacy in its most authentic form. Explore our selection of original cigars and embark on a journey that celebrates the remarkable heritage of one of the cigar industry's most esteemed names.