what are the best books for cigar aficionados

For cigar aficionados, the journey of mastering the art of cigars never truly ends. From understanding the intricate process of cigar production to appreciating the diverse range of flavors and aromas, there’s always something new to discover. 

One of the best ways to deepen your knowledge and passion is through the pages of a well-written book. But what are the best books for cigar aficionados? 

This guide uncovers must-read classics and modern masterpieces that offer a deeper appreciation of cigar culture, craftsmanship, and history.

The Best Books for Cigar Aficionados Ranked

These seven books are must-reads for anyone looking to expand their understanding of cigars.

1. The Cigar: Moments of Pleasure

  • Author: Morten Ehrhorn & Justin Hummerston
  • Why It's Worth Reading: This visually stunning book provides a journey through the world’s most famous cigars. With beautiful photography and in-depth content, it’s a collector’s dream.
  • Perfect For: Cigar collectors and enthusiasts who appreciate visual storytelling.

2. The Ultimate Cigar Book

  • Author: Richard Carleton Hacker
  • Why It's Worth Reading: Known as the “Bible of cigars,” this book covers everything from cigar history to tips on choosing, tasting, and pairing cigars with drinks.
  • Perfect For: Beginners and seasoned aficionados alike.

3. Cigars: A Guide

  • Author: Nicholas Foulkes
  • Why It's Worth Reading: This guide offers a comprehensive look at the world of cigars, with insights into their production, brands, and the global cigar lifestyle.
  • Perfect For: Readers seeking a well-rounded introduction to cigars.

4. Cigar Aficionado’s World of Cigars

  • Author: Marvin R. Shanken
  • Why It's Worth Reading: From the publisher of Cigar Aficionado magazine, this book highlights the best cigars and industry legends, offering rare insights and iconic stories.
  • Perfect For: Readers who follow Cigar Aficionado magazine and industry insiders.

5. Cigar Companion

  • Author: Anwer Bati
  • Why It's Worth Reading: This pocket-friendly book provides concise descriptions of various cigar brands and tasting notes for easy reference.
  • Perfect For: Travelers and on-the-go cigar enthusiasts.

6. Artisan Cigars

  • Author: Aaron Sigmond
  • Why It's Worth Reading: Dive into the artistry behind handcrafted cigars with this beautiful book that highlights the craftsmanship of elite brands.
  • Perfect For: Cigar lovers who appreciate craftsmanship and premium brands.

7. The Art of the Cigar

  • Author: Barnaby Conrad III
  • Why It's Worth Reading: This book provides an artistic exploration of cigars, featuring stunning visuals and deep dives into the cultural importance of cigars worldwide.
  • Perfect For: Aficionados who appreciate the artistic and cultural aspects of cigars.

Why Read Books on Cigars?

If you’re serious about cigars, you know that there’s more to the experience than lighting up. Books offer a unique way to:

  • Enhance Your Knowledge: Understand the origins, production, and craftsmanship of cigars.
  • Master Tasting Techniques: Learn how to identify flavor notes and profiles like a pro.
  • Appreciate Cigar History: Discover the rich history of cigars from Cuba to Nicaragua.
  • Build Your Collection: Get insights on collecting, aging, and storing cigars properly.

Reading about cigars is more than education — it’s an immersive experience that connects you with the essence of cigar culture.

Tips for Building Your Own Cigar Library

Creating a personal library dedicated to cigars can be a rewarding experience. Here’s how to get started:

  • Start with the Essentials: Begin with core classics like "The Ultimate Cigar Book" and "Cigar Aficionado’s World of Cigars."
  • Curate for Variety: Include books on history, craftsmanship, and tasting to get a well-rounded perspective.
  • Prioritize Visual Appeal: Some books, like "The Cigar: Moments of Pleasure," serve as both informative reads and elegant display pieces.
  • Organize for Easy Access: Store your collection on a dedicated bookshelf or in a cigar-themed display case.
  • Mix New and Vintage: Seek out vintage editions of classic cigar books for a touch of nostalgia.
  • Maintain Your Collection: Keep books in a cool, dry place to prevent damage, and avoid exposure to cigar smoke.

Building a personal cigar library is a journey, not a one-time project. Over time, you’ll develop a collection that reflects your unique passion for cigars.

Other Resources for Cigar Enthusiasts

Books are just one way to grow your passion for cigars. Here are other resources that can enhance your journey:

  • Podcasts: Tune in to podcasts like "The Cigar Authority" and "The Smoke and Barrel" for weekly insights.
  • Online Communities: Join forums like Reddit’s r/cigars to connect with other aficionados.
  • YouTube Channels: Follow channels like CigarObsession and Cigar Vixen for reviews and tutorials.
  • Apps: Use apps like "Cigar Scanner" to track your collection and discover new cigars.

These resources provide fresh perspectives and keep you connected to the vibrant world of cigars.

Turn Knowledge into Flavorful Experiences

Books are a timeless way to immerse yourself in the world of cigars, and a great companion to smoke a cigar with. From beginner-friendly guides to collector’s masterpieces, each book offers a unique perspective on this age-old passion. By reading these books, cigar aficionados can gain insights into tasting, collecting, and the rich history of cigars. 

Whether you’re building your own cigar library or looking for the perfect gift, these books offer inspiration and knowledge.