A box of H Upmann Cigars

H. Upmann has long been synonymous with exceptional quality and refined taste in the world of premium cigars. Founded by Herman Upmann, a German banker with a passion for Cuban cigars, the brand quickly garnered acclaim for its rich flavors and impeccable craftsmanship. 

Today, this legendary name continues to captivate aficionados with its blend of tradition and innovation. However, the brand's prestige also makes it appealing to counterfeits, making learning how to spot fake H. Upmann cigars before purchasing a product truly essential. 

Complete Checklist for Authenticating H. Upmann Cigars

Ensure the authenticity of your purchase by learning how to identify genuine H Upmann cigars through our checklist below.


Authentic H. Upmann

Counterfeit H. Upmann

Band Iconography

Historic logo with precise gold embossing

Blurred logos, incorrect or dull gold coloring

Tobacco Origin Markings

Clear Cuban origin markings on the box

Absent or falsified origin markings

Construction and Feel

Evenly dense, with a well-defined triple cap

Irregular density, poorly defined cap

Wrapper Sheen

Subtle sheen indicative of proper aging

Lacking sheen, overly matte or oily

Foot Construction

Tightly packed with no gaps

Loosely packed, visible gaps

Pre-light Aroma

Cedar and cocoa with a hint of spice

Lack of complexity, chemical notes

Ash Consistency

Compact, holding shape, white to light gray ash

Easily breaks, dark or very light ash

Smoke Aroma during Burn

Consistent with pre-light aroma, enhancing depth

Inconsistent aroma, often harsh or acrid

Burn Behavior

Consistent, self-correcting, even ash ring

Canoeing, tunneling, frequent touch-ups needed

Price Range

Typically ranges from $8 to $20 per cigar

Often under $5 per cigar or bulk discounts

Band Iconography

The band on an authentic cigar is distinguished by the historic logo's precise gold embossing. This attention to detail in the logo's clarity and the vibrancy of the gold is a hallmark of the brand's dedication to quality and its rich heritage.

In contrast, non-originals often display the logo inaccurately, with blurred edges or dull gold coloring

Tobacco Origin Markings

Genuine cigars proudly bear clear Cuban origin markings on their boxes, a testament to their authentic craftsmanship and Cuban heritage. These markings serve as a guarantee of the cigars' quality and origin.

Counterfeit cigars may lack these important origin markings or display incorrect or falsified information, aiming to deceive consumers about the cigars' true origins.

Construction and Feel

An original cigar is characterized by its even density and the well-defined triple cap, indicative of the expert craftsmanship that goes into its construction. This consistent construction ensures a superior smoking experience, true to the brand's standards.

Fakes often have irregular densities and poorly executed caps, betraying a lack of craftsmanship and attention to detail that is inconsistent with the high-quality standards of these cigars.

Wrapper Sheen

The wrapper of a genuine cigar possesses a subtle sheen, a sign of the cigar's proper aging and the quality of the tobacco leaf used. This sheen contributes to the cigar's overall aesthetic appeal and is indicative of its premium status.

Counterfeit cigars may present wrappers that are either overly matte or excessively oily, lacking the natural, subtle sheen of an authentic cigar and suggesting inferior aging or tobacco quality.

Foot Construction

Tightly packed with no visible gaps, the foot of an original H. Upmann cigar reflects the meticulous care taken in its rolling process. This tight construction contributes to an even burn and consistent flavor profile.

The foot of forged cigars can often be loosely packed, with visible gaps that can affect the burn and overall smoking experience, clearly diverging from the quality assurance of originals.

Pre-light Aroma

Real cigars are notable for their rich pre-light aroma, characterized by notes of cedar, cocoa, and a hint of spice. This complex aroma sets the stage for the smoking experience, promising depth and richness.

In contrast, counterfeits may emit a lackluster aroma or possess chemical undertones, lacking the natural and inviting scent profile of genuine H. Upmann cigars.

Ash Consistency

The ash of a genuine cigar is compact and holds its shape well, maintaining a consistent white to light gray color as it burns. This ash quality is a testament to the purity and quality of the tobacco used.

Counterfeit cigars often produce ash that is either too dark or too flaky, easily breaking apart and indicating the use of inferior tobacco.

Smoke Aroma during Burn

During the burn, the smoke aroma of a realcigar remains consistent with its pre-light aroma, enhancing the depth and enjoyment of the smoking experience with each puff.

Counterfeit cigars frequently fail to maintain this consistency, with smoke that can become harsh or acrid, detracting significantly from the smoking experience and lacking the characteristic of authentic aroma.

Burn Behavior

A consistent, self-correcting and even ash ring characterizes the burn of an authentic cigar, showcasing the even construction and quality of the tobacco. This steady burn behavior is a hallmark of premium cigar making.

Conversely, counterfeit H. Upmann cigars may exhibit uneven burns, canoeing, or require frequent touch-ups, signaling poor construction and inconsistent tobacco quality.

Price Alignment

The pricing of H. Upmann cigars generally falls within the range of $8 to $20 per cigar, a reflection of their premium quality and the brand's esteemed reputation. 

Suspiciously low prices, often under $5 per cigar, are a clear indication of fake products. Such prices do not align with the market value of real cigars and should be viewed with skepticism by consumers seeking a genuine experience.

Performing the H. Upmann Cigar Test

Authenticating H. Upmann cigars, especially amidst concerns of counterfeits, involves a detailed examination known as the cigar test that includes:

  • Evaluating Construction and Wrapper Quality: Assessing the cigar's roll for firmness and uniformity, along with inspecting the wrapper's quality, can reveal much about its authenticity.
  • Assessing Pre-light Aroma and Flavor Profile: Genuine cigars emit a rich, complex aroma even before lighting, and offer a balanced, nuanced flavor that evolves as you smoke.
  • Observing Ash Color and Burn Line: The ash of an authentic cigar should be light gray and hold firm, with an even and consistent burn line that rarely requires corrections.

This verification process ensures that aficionados can confidently identify and enjoy real products, safeguarding their smoking experience against forged products.

H. Upmann - Story About Brand’s Rich Legacy

The history of these cigars is deeply rooted in innovation and a passion for quality, beginning in 1844 when Herman Upmann, a German banker, ventured into the Cuban cigar business. 

His investment was a profound commitment to creating a cigar that would bear his name with pride across the globe. The introduction of the cedar box for cigar storage by H. Upmann marked a revolution in preserving the cigar's integrity and flavor, a practice that has become a standard in the industry. 

Over the years, H. Upmann has been a witness and contributor to the evolution of cigar making, surviving through political changes and shifts in global tastes. This enduring commitment has solidified his status as a pioneer in the cigar world and a beacon of heritage and quality.

At Online Cigars, we are proud to uphold the Cuban legacy by offering an authentic selection that honors the brand's rich history and commitment to excellence. Join us in celebrating the heritage of H. Upmann cigars, a true icon of the cigar industry.