Should I Remove the Cellophane when Storing Cigars in my Humidor?

A question cigar smokers often ask, more so when buying New World cigars online, is, how do I store cigars which are presented in cellophane? Many cigar smokers who buy Cuban cigars may not know much about cigars in cellophane, as they are a bit of a rarity on premium Habanos. If however you are buying New World cigars such as Davidoff, Oliva and other popular brands, most of their cigars come with a thin plastic wrapper around them. If you are not planning to smoke them right away, do they need to be kept in a humidor and should you take them out of their packaging?
What is the Cellophane Wrapper?
Many Cuban cigars were presented in thin plastic wrappers, up until 1992 when this practice was mostly ceased. There are a few Cuban cigars which are still in plastic sleeves, these are mainly small sized cigarillo type cigars such as Puritos or Cohiba and Trinidad Shorts (not Partagas Shorts which are different). Conversely, the majority of New World cigars do seem to have a cellophane wrapper. This packaging is semi-permeable so will allow the flow of humidified air through them and will also provide extra protection to avoid split or damaged cigars.
Do Cigars in Cellophane Need to be Kept in a Humidor?
If they are premium, handmade, long filler cigars, yes. Cellophane wrappers will not keep the humidity in like a sealed cigar tube.
Should I Remove the Cellophane Before Storing My Cigars?
The simple answer is, it’s up to you. It really doesn’t make much difference to the enjoyment of your cigars, or the ageing process, and is simply down to aesthetics versus protection.
Pros of Storing Cigars With Cellophane Wrapper Left On:
Better protected cigar, less chance of split foot or cracked head. Anecdotal evidence of “locking in the oils” which allows the cigars to develop on their own. Less likely to accidentally damage the cigar or pull the band off when removing the packaging.
Pros of Storing Cigars With Cellophane Wrapper Removed:
Cigars look nicer without shiny plastic packaging around them.
Cellophane wrappers don’t make much difference to the storage of your cigars, other than the added benefit of protecting them from accidental damage. If you prefer the look of them in your humidor without the wrapper on – take it off. If you're interested in cigar delivery services, check out the following options based on your location: Singapore, Hong Kong, USA, China, UK, Las Vegas, Tampa, Miami, New York City, Paris, and London.